Offering small business advice — one tip at a time.
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Your Giant, Gleaming Sword of Fire(d)
Didn’t know you had one of those in your manager’s tool kit, did you? Here’s what it is, and how to wield it properly. Spoiler alert: Your employees don’t love it.
How to Build a Sales Commission Program: Which Type is Right for Your Business? (Part 2)
Want your sales team to surpass their monthly goals? Here’s how to build a sales commission program they’ll work hard to achieve.
Layoffs Should Be Your First Resort, Not Your Last
When business budgets aren’t looking so hot, how do you get back in the black? Do the hard thing now and avoid self-esteem-saving half-measures that may not work anyway.
Layoffs Should Be Your First Resort, Not Your Last
When business budgets aren’t looking so hot, how do you get back in the black? Do the hard thing now and avoid self-esteem-saving half-measures that may not work anyway.

Sales and Marketing, Part 1: How to Create a Marketing Plan
What’s the difference between sales and marketing? A lot. Here’s a look at the definition of marketing vs. sales, with examples.
Sales and Marketing, Part 1: How to Create a Marketing Plan
What’s the difference between sales and marketing? A lot. Here’s a look at the definition of marketing vs. sales, with examples.
Sales and Marketing, Part 1: How to Create a Marketing Plan
What’s the difference between sales and marketing? A lot. Here’s a look at the definition of marketing vs. sales, with examples.

The Power of the Awkward Conversation
Scott Simon, founder of Voicebox Karaoke, has some profound words about the power that comes with taking a deep breath and having that uncomfortable conversation.
The Power of the Awkward Conversation
Scott Simon, founder of Voicebox Karaoke, has some profound words about the power that comes with taking a deep breath and having that uncomfortable conversation.
The Power of the Awkward Conversation
Scott Simon, founder of Voicebox Karaoke, has some profound words about the power that comes with taking a deep breath and having that uncomfortable conversation.

Mediation Series, Part 1: Defining and Diagnosing Employee Disputes
If you’re a manager, the unpleasant job of mediating employee disputes will likely fall to you. Here’s a look at what they are, how they happen, and how you can make them right.
Mediation Series, Part 1: Defining and Diagnosing Employee Disputes
If you’re a manager, the unpleasant job of mediating employee disputes will likely fall to you. Here’s a look at what they are, how they happen, and how you can make them right.
Mediation Series, Part 1: Defining and Diagnosing Employee Disputes
If you’re a manager, the unpleasant job of mediating employee disputes will likely fall to you. Here’s a look at what they are, how they happen, and how you can make them right.
You’ll Lose More Customers If You Don’t Raise Prices
If you need to raise prices, it’s important to do it the right way. Here’s a guide for how to do it, with examples.
How to Raise Prices Like a Boss: A Step-by-Step Guide
If you need to raise prices, it’s important to do it the right way. Here’s a guide for how to do it, with examples.
Finance & Accounting
You Probably Have Money Trauma. We Talked to An Expert to Help You Fix It
Shannah Compton Game is a certified money expert and podcast host. She talked with us about how subconscious attitudes and emotions toward money can impact your business decisions.
ELI5: Balance sheets and how to make them suck less, Part 2
Balance sheets include assets, liabilities, depreciation, profit, loss, and a lot of other complicated financial terms. This article breaks it down for small business owners.
Business Outcomes Are Never All-In: You Need to Look at All the Possibilities
Sports and movies get it all wrong. There is rarely only win or lose. A Monte Carlo simulation is used by businesses to predict possible outcomes for various events. Here’s what it is and how you can use it.
Layoffs Should Be Your First Resort, Not Your Last
When business budgets aren’t looking so hot, how do you get back in the black? Do the hard thing now and avoid self-esteem-saving half-measures that may not work anyway.
How to Build a Sales Commission Program: Which Type is Right for Your Business? (Part 2)
Want your sales team to surpass their monthly goals? Here’s how to build a sales commission program they’ll work hard to achieve.
My Autism Brain at Work: Thinking About Thinking
As we age, we tend to cling to familiar ways of thinking and answering questions, unable to see other pathways available. Using “forcing functions” is one way to push ourselves out of default thinking.