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Management & People
Layoffs Should Be Your First Resort, Not Your Last
When business budgets aren’t looking so hot, how do you get back in the black? Do the hard thing now and avoid self-esteem-saving half-measures that may not work anyway.
Management & People
How to drive the company car: Tips for keeping all of your business gears in motion
Do you go full steam ahead on a project or throw on the emergency brake? Finding the right balance between the two is a common small business challenge. Here’s how to do it right.
Management & People
How to Manage People With Different Work Styles
Acknowledging that each member of your team thrives in a different work situation can help you build strong work groups that get more done.
Management & People
Want to get useful feedback from your employees? Here’s how to do it.
What is psychological safety, and why should you care? Creating it will make sure your employees feel included, valued, respected, and heard. Then, they will do something crazy — tell you the truth.
Management & People
The Only Manager Trick You’ll Ever Need: Listening
You heard me. If you can master the skill of listening — actually listening — it will change everything in not only your business life but your personal life, too.
Management & People
Mediation Series Part 3: How to Handle Employee Disputes
The first step to successful mediation of an employee dispute is understanding how it started, and how it grew. From there, you can approach resolution individually or as a group.
Management & People
Mediation Series Part 2: Ways Employee Mediation Could Fail
Despite your best efforts, settling employee disputes using mediation doesn’t always work. Here’s a look at what not to do when two employees aren’t getting along.
Management & People
Mediation Series, Part 1: Defining and Diagnosing Employee Disputes
If you’re a manager, the unpleasant job of mediating employee disputes will likely fall to you. Here’s a look at what they are, how they happen, and how you can make them right.
Management & People
Manager Series, Part 7: Telling Your Team Someone Was Fired
Unsure how to announce that someone has been fired? Here’s how to do it, with some termination communication examples.
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