Consulting Services
Here at, you will never find a paywall. You’ll never find a teaser article that is 10% visible and 90% hidden behind a call for your email address. I’m not opposed to making a profit, but I have other businesses for that.
And I understand that no matter how well I write an article or draw a chart, sometimes the concepts will be difficult to understand and implement. So I also offer professional consulting services.
The problem with most professional services, though, is that you don’t have the profit to pay for the expertise you need until after you’ve gotten that expertise! I solve that dilemma here by offering all professional consulting services for free. If you need a single email clarification, or an hour on the phone, I’m here to help.
Of course, running this site isn’t free. I spent tens of thousands of dollars to design it and build it, and thousands more to continue adding content and keeping it updated and secure. So, if my advice is helpful, if you get a little happier and a little richer because of what you learn from me, then you can hire me to consult for you and help generate the money that keeps this site going!
My idea is that now, once you’ve made the money, you can pay it forward by helping me continue to build this site for the leader who comes after you to find even more information, and get even farther along their path.
So, what are you waiting for? Send me an email. 🙂
You’ll never find a teaser article that is 10% visible and 90% hidden behind a call for your email address.